Nosco Announces “Packaging in the Midst of COVID-19” Thought Leadership Series

Nosco is committed to helping its customers navigate the current and future impact of COVID-19 on printed packaging. That is why we teamed up with members of our senior leadership team to compile the most relevant content pertaining to the current crisis in an educational blog series presented by MasterMinds.

Throughout the series, Nosco will discuss the following topics:

  • Supply Chain Challenges with Nosco’s Chief Financial Officer, Jim Struhar
  • The Ease of Virtual eAudits with Nosco’s Director of QA and Nosco 2.0 Business Solutions, Dick Leach
  • Health & Safety Practices with Nosco’s Senior VP of Operations, John McKeough
  • Using Online Tools with Nosco’s Director of Client Services, Sam Hargis, and Digital Customer Interaction Manager, Rob Davis
  • Impact on Future Packaging with Nosco's Director of Marketing, Heather Nimmer
  • Packaging’s Role in Crisis with Nosco’s President, Craig Curran

The series also features Time Matters success stories and highlights Nosco’s work in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

To learn more about how Nosco is helping customers navigate the current and future impact of COVID-19 on printed packaging, visit:
