The Ease of Virtual eAudits with Nosco

This blog features insights from Nosco’s Director of QA and Nosco 2.0 Business Solutions, Dick Leach.

In these unique times, many of us have turned to technology to keep in touch, shop online and get back to business as usual. This holds true for Nosco, as the use of technology has helped us keep the business running strong – providing a variety of virtual services to meet customer needs, including virtual eAudits.



Conducted remotely by a skilled quality assurance team member, Nosco utilizes cutting-edge audio / visual technology to broadcast live for a convenient and cost-effective way to complete necessary facility audits. Some of the primary benefits of eAudits include:

  • Convenience: Maintain site surveillance and audit schedules.
  • Cost Effectiveness: Save travel time and expenses.
  • Efficiency: Review multiple sites simultaneously through harmonized QS.
  • Compliance: Maintain compliance with a process promoted by ASQ and supported by FDA.
  • Innovation: Stay ahead of the curve with this standard audit option for the future.



As an additional benefit, when conducting a virtual eAudit, the scope largely remains the same as a conventional on-site audit:

  • Comprehensive facility tours through a remote audit cart (audio / visual).
  • Question and answer sessions with the quality assurance team.
  • Sharing and review of procedures, records and documentation.
  • Batch record review.


To learn more about eAudits and find out if they are right for your business, visit:


